Friday, July 15, 2011

The Good Guys

Below is a list of the different types of "good guys" that I've encountered in my life. Although it is far from complete, I hope that you can see the basic picture that I'm trying to get across. Keep in mind, however, that as humans are complex creatures, most men will possess characteristics from several of these categories in varying degrees. Few men can be grouped solely into one category. As always, your input and suggestions are always welcome :)

1) The Traditionalist:
This bastion of American family values might at first seem like the leading man from a 1950s movie: he is stable, dependable, and his picture can be found under the Merriam-Webster definition of "Family man". He possesses strong moral standards from which he will not fluctuate and is deeply nostalgic for times gone by. This type of person loves his family, stands by his friends, and values his honor above all else. With the Traditionalist, there will be no uncertainty over the sincerity of his feelings or the degree of his loyalty. This man will already be planning your wedding vows before the thought of dating even enters your head. When the Traditionalist finds a suitable match, he locks into his target like a guided missile. Although initially flattering, his unrelentless pursuit and general rigidity about life may annoy some women. These types of men are a great match for those with  traditional mindsets who crave serious and stable relationships. They are not compatible, however, with independent, type A personalities who like to challenge the status quo.

2) The Idealist:
This individual possesses very similar characteristics to the Traditionalist, but is much more flexible and forward-thinking. Like the Traditionalist, the Idealist male draws inspiration from historic figures who have represented and fought for their personal ideals. Think James Stewart in Mr. Smith goes to Washington and you will understand the essence of the Idealist. This person is a courageous pioneer that can be found at the forefront of any major humanitarian issue plaguing the world. These individuals see themselves as  Ghandi-like figures who are willing to sacrifice the personal self to fight for the greater good. Although incredibly admirable, these types can be bad relationship material unless their partner is as equally independent, motivated, and free-thinking as they are.

3) The Philosophical Introvert: This man is the intellectual, artist, musician, or shy guy who is very sentimental, soft, and kind. These individuals are very romantic, emotionally expressive, and insightful. Because they are very sensitive and get hurt easily, they are usually the ones who are approached rather than those who do the approaching. These men make great friends and empathetic partners and are usually the easiest to relate to for most women. They crave someone strong, stable, and optimistic who can give them the self-assurance that they seek to blossom. These types work best with strong-willed and independent women who can lead them in a positive direction. Think Zelda and F. Scott Fitzgerald.

4) The Comedian: This is one of my favorite types of men because wherever they go, they put smiles on people's faces. The Comedian is funny, charming, easy-going, and very optimistic. His optimism for life and laissez-faire attitude makes him an incredibly attractive individual to be around. Unlike other types of men, he is not afraid to look stupid, try new things, or fall head over heels in love. He can sometimes resemble the Energizer Bunny after several doses of Red Bull with his everlasting energy and need for adventure. This person is very warm and loving but sometimes lacks in maturity and finds it difficult to be serious. Furthermore, his complete indifference about others' opinions can make many feel uncomfortable. However, if you're an easy-going, free spirit yourself who doesn't take life too seriously, this may be just the right match for you.

To be continued...

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